
Category: Transparency

Total 29 Posts

Promise and Pitfalls, the Ethical Use of AI for Public Relations Practitioners – A Conversation with Michelle Egan and Mark Dvorak

In November 2023, PRSA issued new ethics guidelines titled “Promise and Pitfalls, the Ethical Use of AI for Public Relations Practitioners”.

Michelle Egan, the 2023 National Chair of PRSA and Mark Dvorak, the 2023 Chair of PRSA’s Board of Ethics and Professional Standards discuss them and more.

How Much Human Agency Do We Require in Public Relations? – Ant Cousins

This week Ant Cousins, the Executive Director of AI Strategy at Cision, discusses a number of important issues, including:

• Cision’s AI ethics policy
• The ethics implications of the use of AI in public relations
• How much human agency do we require in public relations?
• The most concerning AI ethics issues
• Where should PR pros start when they want to learn more about AI?

Preserving Authenticity: The Nuances of Ethical Storytelling in Advocacy Communications – Zainab Chaudary

Zainab Chaudary, Senior Vice President at New Heights Communications discusses several key ethics issues, including:

1) Lost opportunities: lessons learned from the Muslim Ban Supreme Court case

2) Navigating the tension: ethically balancing client desires and media success

3) Why you need to go beyond mission, vision and values

4) How to break down the silos in advocacy communication

2022 Brands in Motion: Global Ethics Insights – Rebecca Wilson

Rebecca Wilson, the Executive Vice President International for WE Communications International provides a great overview of the 2022 Brands in Motion Study and what it means for ethical communicators, including:

1) Addressing the diversity quota dilemma and tokenization

2) How many companies are delivering on their value-led commitments

3) How do brands balance their commitments to practical short-term issues versus long-term issues?

4) Key findings from the 2022 Brands In Motion Study

5) The two things every ethical communicator must embrace

Ethical Voices is #1

Thank you! Ethical Voices: Practicing Public Relations with Integrity book launched a month early. And it quickly became the #1 and #5 new public relations book (print and kindle) on Amazon.

Ethical Issues with Coalitions and Front Groups – Greg Bailey

Joining me in this week’s episode is Greg Bailey, APR, Fellow PRSA, the founder of Finley + Bailey Strategic Communication. He discusses a number of important public relations ethics issues including:

1) What to do when a client asks you to hide their identity as part of a coalition

2) Why we need top to turn the mirror on ourselves

3) The growing challenge of malformation

4) How to make sure your employees understand how you value ethics