
The Importance of Really Small Things – Capt. Barbara Bell, USN (ret)

Captain Barbara Bell, U.S. Navy (ret). Captain Bell was one of Annapolis’s first female graduates and has a distinguished career as an aviator and naval flight test officer. Today, she teaches at the US Naval Academy and may discuss ethics even more than I do.

In this interview she discusses a number of important ethics issues, including:

1) The importance of the really small things

2) The ethics framework being taught to future Navy officers – and how everyone can apply it

3) How to understand and avoid biases

4) Never forget you are a role model

The Importance of Comprehensive Ethics Policies – Joseph Abreu

Joseph Abreu, the Chief Communications Officer for the Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller of Lee County, Florida, and 2024 National Chair of PRSA., discusses a number of important ethics issues, including:

1) The ethical importance of avoiding even the appearance of impropriety.

2) How to get ahead of AI ethics challenges

One key PR ethics lesson from the Pulse nightclub shooting – Ann Marie Varga

Ann Marie Varga, the internal communication manager for AdventHealth discusses a number of important ethics issues including:

1) One key PR ethics lesson from the Pulse nightclub shooting

2) How to protect your (and your team’s) mental health in crisis situations

3) Ethical issues in internal communications

People Are Not Props – Christie Goodman

Christie Goodman, the director of communication for the Intercultural Development Research Association, discusses a number of important ethics issues, including:

1) How to avoid using people as props and authentically engage

2) Ethics challenges with assumptions

3) How to effectively engage and learn from diverse audiences

4) How to effectively advance social justice issues

How to Build Trust Ethically and Effectively – Roy Reid

Roy Reid, a senior fellow with the Stockworth Institute, and a recognized as one of the Top 100 Thought Leaders in Trustworthy Business, discusses a number of important ethics issues, including:

1) What to do when your client asks you to besmirch the competition

2) How to effectively and ethically build trust

3) What to do when employees, clients and partners break your trust

Promise and Pitfalls, the Ethical Use of AI for Public Relations Practitioners – A Conversation with Michelle Egan and Mark Dvorak

In November 2023, PRSA issued new ethics guidelines titled “Promise and Pitfalls, the Ethical Use of AI for Public Relations Practitioners”.

Michelle Egan, the 2023 National Chair of PRSA and Mark Dvorak, the 2023 Chair of PRSA’s Board of Ethics and Professional Standards discuss them and more.

How to Conduct PR Research Ethically – Marcia DiStaso

Marcia DiStaso, Associate Dean for Research in the College of Journalism and Communications and Professor of Public Relations at the University of Florida. discusses a number of important ethics issues, including:
1) How do we ethically ask questions in research?

2) What to absolutely never, ever do when conducting research for a PR campaign

3) Ethical challenges with AI in PR