
Category: Culture

Total 26 Posts

The Importance of Really Small Things – Capt. Barbara Bell, USN (ret)

Captain Barbara Bell, U.S. Navy (ret). Captain Bell was one of Annapolis’s first female graduates and has a distinguished career as an aviator and naval flight test officer. Today, she teaches at the US Naval Academy and may discuss ethics even more than I do.

In this interview she discusses a number of important ethics issues, including:

1) The importance of the really small things

2) The ethics framework being taught to future Navy officers – and how everyone can apply it

3) How to understand and avoid biases

4) Never forget you are a role model

People Are Not Props – Christie Goodman

Christie Goodman, the director of communication for the Intercultural Development Research Association, discusses a number of important ethics issues, including:

1) How to avoid using people as props and authentically engage

2) Ethics challenges with assumptions

3) How to effectively engage and learn from diverse audiences

4) How to effectively advance social justice issues

Bringing True, Ethical Authenticity to Multicultural Communications – Jennifer Gonzalez

Jennifer Gonzalez, the senior vice president of multicultural strategy at C+C (and my colleague) discusses a number of important ethics issues, including:

1) What to do when you know your prospect’s multicultural program does not align with the community’s needs

2) Ethical issues in partnering with community-based organizations

3) Why sometimes being equitable requires you to say no

How Can Businesses Create A More Ethical Environment – Erica Salmon Byrne

Erica Salmon Byrne, CEO of Ethisphere discusses:

1) How does a company become one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies?

2) What are the top ethics issues facing companies?

3) How can businesses create a more ethical environment?

4) What questions should businesses ask about ethics and AI?

5) Proof that being ethical is good business

Acting Ethically Means Going Beyond Performative Action – Candace Hamana

Candace Hamana, the owner of Badger PR and the founder of The Indigenous Peoples Public Relations Association discusses a number of important ethics issues, including:

1) What to do when your employer doesn’t let you act in true faith

2) How to make land acknowledgements more than a performative action

3) The importance of cultural contexts

Ethical Issues in Merging the Science and Art of Public Relations: Aaron Kwittken

Aaron Kwittken, the founder and chairman of KWT Global and the founder of PRophet, discusses:

1) An issue he still regrets not speaking up on 30 years ago

2) Ethical issues in merging the science and art of public relations

3) How augmented intelligence can help enhance our profession

4) How do we create belonging in a hybrid environment?

What to do when you are faced with nearness and drinking bias – Melissa Vela-Williamson, APR

Melissa Vela-Williamson, APR, an award-winning public relations expert, national columnist and host of the great Smart Talk Series podcast discusses:

1) What to do when you are pressured to inflate numbers?

2) What to do when you are faced with nearness and drinking bias

3) The ethics issues of multicultural appropriation