
Respond, Don’t React to Unethical Behavior – Kami Huyse

Kami Huyse, the CEO of Zoetica, a social media agency, who for me was first and best known as @kamichat discusses a number of important ethics issues including:

1) Why you need to respond and not react to unethical behavior
2) What one question should you ask friends facing difficult situations?

3) Why ethical PR people act like ombudsmen

4) What is the best thing PR pros can do in difficult situations?

Don’t Confuse Doing the Right Thing with Being Seen Doing the Right Thing – Jim Hoggan

Jim Hoggan, a bestselling author, president of Hoggan & Associates, and founder of DeSmog discusses a number of key topics including:

1) Don’t confuse doing the right thing with being seen doing the right thing

2) Why even if you are right, you can be in the wrong

3) The ethical dangers of tribalism

4) The heart vs. the mind

When National Security Is On The Line, How Do You Ethically Handle Public Relations? – Robert Johnson

Robert Johnson, the host of the PR Nation Podcast, discusses a number of important ethics issues, including:

1) When national security is on the line, how to you handle public relations ethically?

2) The state of truth today

3) Why PR Pros should take a different approach when a reporter asks you about confidential information

What to do if someone calls you a liar – Janelle Guthrie

Janelle Guthrie, the communication director for the Building Industry Association of Washington, discusses a number of important ethics issues, including:

1) What to do when you realize you have given out false information and admitting it will hurt

2) What to do if someone calls you a liar

3) How to ethically work through difficult situations

4) Why Voices4Everyone is the solution to our next ethics challenge

This Week in PR Ethics (4/22/21): Did 4% of Americans Drink Bleach in 2021 and the Most Unethical TV Idea Ever

I was planning a nice, simple update on ethics topics this week – AI, hiring, and maybe being quirky with a story from Wichita. Then on Wednesday, I was hit with my favorite ethics story of the year from the Harvard Business Review – and a story so bad, I had to spend 20 minutes confirming it was real. Read on below.

How to Speak Up Effectively When You Are Asked to Compromise Your Personal Ethics

Sherry Feldberg, a seasoned healthcare communication professional who is now the principal of Leadership Journey discusses:

1) What to do when your boss asks you to burn bridges?

2) How to speak up effectively when you are asked to compromise your personal ethics

3) The importance of building trusted relationships

4) The need to show vulnerability as a leader